A small place for me to hopefully give status reports on mods for Demigod that I shall work on.
Published on July 24, 2008 By Chirmaya In Demigod
Blare and I have just created a Demigod Group on Steam in since quite a few people have Steam, and it would be nice to have a big group of Demigod people in it

If you wish to join, you can do so at the following link:
on Jul 24, 2008
Why would I go on steam when I can use Impulse instead?
on Jul 26, 2008
Joined it... mostly because I have way more friends on Steam than on Impulse.
on Jul 26, 2008
I signed up daddy-o.
on Dec 20, 2008

I've just made a Steam group for Australian based players - joinjoinjoin


link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dgau