A small place for me to hopefully give status reports on mods for Demigod that I shall work on.

Rollover Mana Display


Rollover Mana and Equipment Display

- Adds a mana display to a friendly unit's rollover information if they have mana.

(- Adds a display of a friendly demigod's equipment.)

*Note: This is a User-Interface mod, so it doesn't require anyone else to have it installed.

1. Go to the folder where Demigod is installed. eg. C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock Games\Demigod

2. Extract dgdata.zip to a folder called dgdata.

3. Rename dgdata.zip to something else. eg. dgdata2.zip

4. Rename the dgdata folder to dgdata.zip.

5. Copy HUD_rollover.lua over the same file located at:
dgdata.zip(the folder)\lua\ui\game\HUD_rollover.lua

6. Now it should work, but remember: Rename the folder to something else and rename the zip file back to the original name before you install any new updates.

Rollover Mana Display

Rollover Mana and Equipment Display V2

on Feb 10, 2009

*Note: This is a User-Interface mod, so it doesn't require anyone else to have it installed.

Quite ironic given that we don't have mod support for simside mods but you can do almost every hack with UI-mods ...


on Feb 10, 2009

Wouldn't it be possible for someone to enable mana display for enemies?

on Feb 10, 2009

I'm sure you can, Chirmaya only wanted to be a nice guy (seeing allied mana already gives you an advantage though)

on Feb 10, 2009

From how it is set up, it checks to see if the unit being looked at has mana data. If not, it doesn't show it. I don't think that you can see an enemy's mana, though I will check it over once again.

on Feb 10, 2009

Enemies cannot see the mana that the other has, at least from how I am doing it.

Added a new mod that will show what equipment your allies have.

on Feb 10, 2009

I would assume that at some point something like this would be implimented. (Possibly even using your method!) It'll be interesting to see what happens.

on Feb 10, 2009

wow that equipment mod is a must have but i'll wait for next beta update to use it. I'm impressed but how do know what code to use/add or are you familiar with the game engine code?

on Feb 10, 2009

I did some (weird) modding for Supreme Commander, so a ton of the stuff is really similar

on Feb 11, 2009

i really dont understand how u made it lol. Thatll be awesome to no how to do that stuff

on Feb 11, 2009

It's actually relatively simple stuff.  The beauty of Supreme Commander was that much of it was written in LUA scripts, which by design allows for easy modding.  Download Chirmaya's mod and open the .lua file in a text editor.  You'll see that it's a pretty straight forward script, and if you have any experience with C++ its not too difficult to pick up.  For this mod he simply modified GPG's script for displaying rollover info for names and health and made some additional calls to other data/functions already in the game.


on Feb 17, 2009

Fixed a large bug in the Rollover Mana and Equipment Display where it would break the display on certain items and after having sold some items. Released version 2.