A small place for me to hopefully give status reports on mods for Demigod that I shall work on.

Check out the custom animations! All of this is working in a single mod, no files outside of it =D 3DS Max + an exporter that I managed to network into my hands

You can check out how it is setup here!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 02, 2010

Yeah, that is what I have been battling with. What happens is that it loads the lobby screen, and then after that is done, it does the mod loading. Since the hero data has already been read by the lobby screen, it doesn't use any of the altered functions after the mod loading. I wanted to see if I could RuleInit.lua or globalinit.lua to make Lobby.lua call its Lobby:CreateAvatarPanel function again so that it would reload it or something to that sort, though I haven't figured out a way to call it =P

It sounds like you're probably out of luck, as the same limitations that apply to the SC lobby apply here.  If memory serves, globalInit isn't specific to any one state (they each use it to set up their lua environment), and RuleInit only runs in the pre-game state, which is somehow separate from the lobby and is also not affected by loaded mods.

I don't yet know what all they've changed from SC to Demigod, but there was a reason that all of the (incomplete) SC faction-add mods had to be .scd mods.  I'd guess that adding a Demigod is pretty much like adding a faction in SC.

on Jun 02, 2010

Have tried using a "shadow" folder to edit it?

Here it is:

   A mod can contain a 'shadow' folder, which contains files matching the names
   and directory structure of the game's top-level folder. These files will REPLACE
   the game's files on all lookups. You can use this mechanism to replace entire
   textures, audio files, scripts, blueprints, or any other game data. Note that
   when a game file is shadowed, the original file becomes completely inaccessible.
   This is ok for textures and such but usually not what you want for scripts.

on Nov 29, 2010

Shameless bump.

Is anyone still working on this?

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