A small place for me to hopefully give status reports on mods for Demigod that I shall work on.
Info on new Demigods and actual gameplay.


Thanks to Tre' from IRC for the link.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 02, 2008
Damn these forums for double posting!
on Aug 02, 2008
I highly doubt they got rid of the oak, this is probably some other demigod, and also we can now confirm they have 8 demigods, in 6 more months they could very well add at least 10-15 more and the fact they probably have like 10-15 right now as it is. So the fact that they have 2 demigods doing necromancy is very likely.
on Aug 02, 2008
Altough I realise that the more demigods the better, I think I personally would prefer fewer demigods with more skillchoices per demigod (think diablo style skilltrees perhaps?) This way you got more options with your character and arent nessecarily screwed if you face a demigod that "counters" yours.
on Aug 02, 2008
I highly doubt they got rid of the oak, this is probably some other demigod, and also we can now confirm they have 8 demigods, in 6 more months they could very well add at least 10-15 more and the fact they probably have like 10-15 right now as it is. So the fact that they have 2 demigods doing necromancy is very likely.

I doubt they would add entire new ones after the beta started. At least they wouldn't have the beta with only half the Demigods useable.
on Aug 02, 2008
Well, the artists need to keep working on something. They can only polish the current Demigods to a certain level before they start just playing the game since they don't have any more work to do. I can totally see them working on more Demigods during the beta.
on Aug 02, 2008
I R happyz
on Aug 02, 2008
Considering the first betas are going to be based on testing the engine I could see them only having/giving us a couple of demigods, hell we only need a one demigod for the first couple betas, yes it would be boring, but it is true, as the first betas have nothing to do with balancing (or at least its not a primary concern) as bugs, hardware compatibility, and optimization are the first things they need to nail down before balancing the demigods.

So I could see them doubling the number of demigods during the beta.
on Aug 02, 2008
Well, if they're inspired by dota then they very well might have a ton of different demigods, but yeah this is awesome news and the game is shaping up really nicely.

Can't wait
on Aug 02, 2008
I doubt they would add entire new ones after the beta started. At least they wouldn't have the beta with only half the Demigods useable.

The early betas are engine, not balance, focused -- judging from Sins, you won't be seeing much (if any) balance work until the end betas. And if, like they did with Sins, they withhold some of the features (*cough*The Advent*cough*) until release to maintain a certain degree of surprise, there's stuff you wouldn't see in the beta period.
on Aug 02, 2008
... but then you can't test everything
on Aug 02, 2008
Which explains why I can't win with the advent perhaps...
on Aug 03, 2008

Altough I realise that the more demigods the better, I think I personally would prefer fewer demigods with more skillchoices per demigod (think diablo style skilltrees perhaps?) This way you got more options with your character and arent nessecarily screwed if you face a demigod that "counters" yours.

Why not have both?

I mean surely you can have 30-40 Demigods with 2-5 skilltree's each. It'll just atke some time to add!

on Aug 03, 2008
Loved this hands on

Making the wait for the beta hard
on Aug 03, 2008
Diablo number of skills would be too many..

More than 6-7 would be too many.

I think there is going to be 5. If 1-3 more where added later on in a content patch that'd be neat, though.
on Aug 04, 2008
Well, even 8 would be okay. Encouraging meaningful choices is a good idea, and if there is going to be a permanent leveling system in one of the modes, it is better if the leveling thing is more developed than DotA.

More would be too much, though, I agree. 4 would be too little.
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